Online sensors and automatic flow cytometer installed in Berlin-Spandau, Germany

Online sensors have been installed by UIT (Umwelt- und Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Dresden) at the Water Works in Berlin-Spandau. Three recorders are now measuring water level and water temperature and transfer the data by GPRS – telemetry. This data is now used in the INOWAS platform to assess hydraulic characteristics of the site and to combine site-specific properties with other evaluation software, such as numerical modelling and microbial risks assessment.

Sensor installation in the recharge basin (Photo taken by Christian Menz, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin)

Automatic flow cytometer for microbiological monitoring was tested at the Water Works in Berlin-Spandau. A continuously flowing sampling line was installed to measure the microbial fingerprint during a groundwater transcect at an infiltration basin, observation well and an abstraction well. The device (Sigrist BactoSense) was operated with sampling interval of 6 h and gives new insights in the temporal and spatial variations of microbial communities present in the subsurface.

Flow Cytometer installed at a well chamber of a drinking water well in Berlin-Spandau (Photo taken by Christian Menz, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin)

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